Jumat, 24 April 2015

Is there lead in your favorite lipstick ?

Is there poison in your cosmetics? There may be lead in your lipstick!
You need to check for several things when buying lipstick. Check to confirm it is cruelty free and is not tested on animals, that it does not have contain lead or parabens, and that it is a lipstick made with healthy ingredients.
While lipstick with lead in it sounds outrageous, when you think about it, it makes sense they would try to use it. Lead makes color adhere and stay put. That's why they used it in paint for so long. This raises the question of why it's not allowed in paint anymore, but manufacturers are still allowed to put it in a product you put on your lips and ingest on a daily basis.
Lead is a highly toxic heavy metal that stays in the body and is now known to cause serious neurological problems. Lead poisoning in children led to the banning of lead paint back in 1978! Again, why is lead still allowed in lipstick? It's because of the way cosmetics are regulated. Because lead in lipstick is a contaminant, not an actual ingredient, you won't see it listed as an ingredient on a label. You are using poisonous lipstick, and they don't need to let you know because of this labeling loophole.
Another fact to keep in mind for those of us prone to depression is that lead has been associated with depression. If you struggle with your mood, whether moderately or seriously, take a close look at what you're putting on your lips.
If you think the incidence of lipstick with lead is rare, keep in mind that in 2009, the FDA tested 20 lipsticks; they found lead to be in all of them!
Here's another ingredient to avoid: parabens. Many lipsticks contain parabens which are suspected to be hormone disruptors. They're used as preservatives. Any product containing parabens should avoided. You'll find them in more cosmetics than just lipstick.
If you think you don't use that much lipstick and it won't hurt you, consider that lipstick is just the tip of the iceberg. We are bombarded every day with so many chemicals that our bodies are on overload with exposure to ingredients that are just plain bad for us. You need to start eliminating your exposure to these toxins as much as you can, when you can.
Your skin is your largest organ. What are you putting on it that is being absorbed into your body and is causing you harm?
Cheryl Major blogs about health, clean eating to lose weight and feel better and deal with depression, and about how to use food as your medicine. Get a FREE copy of her 10 Tips to Lose Weight without Dieting at http://www.ThinStrongHealthy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8991788
Unlike what many people think, advertising companies are not exclusively used for expensive national and international campaigns. On the contrary, a lot of these campaigns run locally. Even if your business is not a large corporation, there are plenty of reasons to hire an agency to promote your products and services. Here you will learn about these great benefits.
Knowledge And Expertise
Advertising companies have access to experienced researchers, artists, and people working in many forms of media. These people can determine which media is the best option for you, whether it's online, radio, television, or even several at the same time. They can tell you which is the best medium to reach your consumers and how to persuade them to try your products or hire your services.
An agency can help you see your business from the perspective of the consumer. They can analyze everything from your business slogan to your advertising material, such as brochures and company website. This is an excellent opportunity to correct any message that does not portray your products in a favorable light. It can also renew your own company's image in a way that will attract more people and create more sales.
Saving Time
It takes a while to create the right message to reach your consumers. In addition, you also have to take the time to gather the necessary materials and hire the required services to convey this message to your audience. Implementing a campaign to promote a business is a full-time job! If you are concentrating on running your own company, you don't have time for that. This is exactly why advertising companies exist: to save you time and effort. These agencies have a lot of experience running campaigns.
Money Matters
Hiring an agency to spread the word about your company is not an expense; it's an investment. Every dollar you spend will multiply when you see how people are getting to know your brand and when your sales start increasing. In addition, a lot of agencies get discounts from TV stations, radio stations, publishers, and even printers. This means you'll get a good price for running ads to promote your products. Plus, using an agency's services is cheaper than hiring your own personnel to market your brand.
Boost Your Brand
Besides promoting your products and services, one of the main objectives of the agency will be to create brand awareness. This means they want people to recognize your company's name and associate it with top quality, reliability, and trust. An agency can help you create a brand from scratch by designing logos, slogans, and more. However, it can also work with what you already have and create the right message to develop brand awareness inside the market you want to reach.
Promoting your business the right way will help you achieve your goals as a company. In order to achieve this, hiring an advertising company can be the best move you can make.
To learn more about advertising companies in Orange County, visit http://www.mancusomedia.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9006110http://ezinearticles.com/?Five-Ways-Advertising-Companies-Can-Benefit-Your-Business&id=9006110

5 Ways advertising

Unlike what many people think, advertising companies are not exclusively used for expensive national and international campaigns. On the contrary, a lot of these campaigns run locally. Even if your business is not a large corporation, there are plenty of reasons to hire an agency to promote your products and services. Here you will learn about these great benefits.
Knowledge And Expertise
Advertising companies have access to experienced researchers, artists, and people working in many forms of media. These people can determine which media is the best option for you, whether it's online, radio, television, or even several at the same time. They can tell you which is the best medium to reach your consumers and how to persuade them to try your products or hire your services.
An agency can help you see your business from the perspective of the consumer. They can analyze everything from your business slogan to your advertising material, such as brochures and company website. This is an excellent opportunity to correct any message that does not portray your products in a favorable light. It can also renew your own company's image in a way that will attract more people and create more sales.
Saving Time
It takes a while to create the right message to reach your consumers. In addition, you also have to take the time to gather the necessary materials and hire the required services to convey this message to your audience. Implementing a campaign to promote a business is a full-time job! If you are concentrating on running your own company, you don't have time for that. This is exactly why advertising companies exist: to save you time and effort. These agencies have a lot of experience running campaigns.
Money Matters
Hiring an agency to spread the word about your company is not an expense; it's an investment. Every dollar you spend will multiply when you see how people are getting to know your brand and when your sales start increasing. In addition, a lot of agencies get discounts from TV stations, radio stations, publishers, and even printers. This means you'll get a good price for running ads to promote your products. Plus, using an agency's services is cheaper than hiring your own personnel to market your brand.
Boost Your Brand
Besides promoting your products and services, one of the main objectives of the agency will be to create brand awareness. This means they want people to recognize your company's name and associate it with top quality, reliability, and trust. An agency can help you create a brand from scratch by designing logos, slogans, and more. However, it can also work with what you already have and create the right message to develop brand awareness inside the market you want to reach.
Promoting your business the right way will help you achieve your goals as a company. In order to achieve this, hiring an advertising company can be the best move you can make.
To learn more about advertising companies in Orange County, visit http://www.mancusomedia.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9006110


cara untuk wajah kalian menjadi cantik kilat

Tak punya banyak waktu untuk merias wajah? Trip tata rias cara kilat ini bisa membantu Anda.

- Oleskan concealer pada ceruk dari sudut dalam mata Anda. Baurkan dengan ditekan pelan dengan ujung jari telunjuk
- Untuk mendapatkan riasan wajah tanpa cela, oleskan alas bedak dengan sponge. Baurkan secara cermat.
- Oleskan bedak tabur agar alas bedak dan concealer melekat lebih baik di kulit. Gunakan puff khusus untuk bedak.
- Rapikan alis dengan perona mata.
- Dengan kuas perona mata, sapukan highlight di seluruh kelopak mata. Lalu oleskan perona mata warna sedang mulai dari garis bulu mata sampai di atas lipatan mata.
- Garisi mata dengan perona mata yang warnanya lebih gelap.
- Oleskan 2 lapis maskara warna hitam atau cokelat tua.
- Oleskan perona pipi pada tonjolan pipi. Baurkan dengan baik. Gunakan warna netral. Lalu sapukan warna yang lebih cerah diatasnya.
- Oleskan lipstik.
- Tegaskan bibir dengan menggarisi sekeliling bibir dengan pensillipliner.

Tak punya waktu untuk manicure? Berikut, tips untuk perawatan tangan dan kuku:
- Olesi tangan dengan krim tangan tiap hari.
- Bentuk kuku Anda.
- Sebelum mewarnai kuku, selalu oleskan terlebih dahulu base coatuntuk mencegah kuku bernoda dan membuat pewarna kuku bisa dioleskan lebih mudah. Saat ini, base coat merk tertentu juga mempunyai efek penguat kuku dan mencegah cat kuku mengeripik.
- Selalu bawa emery board di dalam tas tangan Anda untuk mengatasi kuku sumbing dan menjaga panjang kuku.
- Untuk mendapatkan kuku yang sempurna, selalu beli produk kuku bermutu.
- Jika tak punya banyak waktu, lebih baik pilih cat kuku warna netral karena tak akan kentara jika polesannya tidak rapi.

Menurut sebagian ahli perawatan kulit - skincare, perempuan tidak menua. Tapi menjadi lebih baik. Berikut, beberapa tip awet muda:
- Selalu cuci tangan sebelum membersihkan makeup wajah atau mengoleskan krim ke wajah, untuk mencegah pemindahan bakteri.
- Oleskan krim mata pada garis tawa, dan jangan lupa lembabkan bagian ini dengan pelembab wajah.
- Saat udara panas dan matahari bersinar terik, lebih baik oleskan pelembab yang diberi warna ketimbang alas bedak. Suhu panas membuat kulit berkeringat lebih banyak dan dapat menyumbat pori.
- Ketika mengemudi mobil, jangan kupa mengoleskan sunscreen di tangan dan wajah.

- Untuk rambut keriting, buat campuran setengah botol air dengan setengah botol conditioner. Semprotkan ke rambut, lalu rapikan dengan jari.
- Tak punya waktu untuk men-shampoo rambut? Taburkan bedak talk pada akar rambut, lalu pijat untuk menyerap minyak.
- Pilih produk styling sesuai batang rambut Anda. Jika Anda berambut halus, gunakan produk styling formula mousse. Untuk rambut kusut, gunakan produk styling dengan dasar silikon. Untuk rambut susah diatur, semprotkan hairspray jenis strong-hold.